Opening Hours: Tue-Fri 11-18 | Sat 10-14 ☕🐕 🚴‍♂️




The accessory of the floor: the rug

The rug is the home accessory that will give you a really warm feel even in a cooler apartment. It gives style and harmony. Everybody has a different idea of ​​the perfect rug, typically true that there are as many people, as many tastes and needs. There are those who love simple shapes, subdued colors and patterns, and some who love special shapes and extravagant color combinations. We think that’s right – that’s why we try to meet every kind of need with our wide range of rugs. Whether it’s an increasingly fashionable shaggy rug or a durable wool rug, those who come to us can choose from a wide selection. It can be a square carpet or a round rug, or even a carpet of totally amorphous or other geometric shape – the size, color and pattern are only limited by you imagination.


Showing 1–30 of 53 results

Scandinavian design rugs

The backbone of our carpet range is made up of Danish Linie Design and Bolia. There are hundreds of wonderful rugs at great value for money that come to us. The industrial-style pieces of Dutch Zuiver and Dutchbone can be a simple yet spectacular addition to a tasteful loft-style apartment. The Danish Normann Copenhagen carpets are dominated by a combination of bright colors and special shapes.