Opening Hours: Tue-Fri 11-18 | Sat 10-14 ☕🐕 🚴‍♂️

Other Rooms

Other Rooms


Rooms in the apartment in the shade of the “big ones”

Most of the furnishing of an apartment or house is focused on larger, more pronounced rooms. Especially for the living room, bedroom or dining room. Therefore, we tend to neglect rooms outside this triangle! The hallway, the working space and the kid’s room just as important as the others.


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Hallway and corridor

However, the entrance hall gives the entrant a first impression of our home. It's important to be comfortable, snug in sneakers, and be stylish. The hall furniture should be both practical and stylish. These are the hallways furnished with hanger, mirror and shoe rack.

Working space at home

You can easily make your work at home more comfortable with well-chosen, multifunctional workstations. A nice desk with a comfortable office chair can even be the decor of the apartment!

Kids’ room, Kids’ furniture

Of course, we cannot forget the smallest members of the family! Kids’ furniture should be clean yet cheerful, even the children's room can be a highlight of the apartment. Where there are children, it is also worth making sure that the furniture follows the evolving and changing needs of the little ones.